If you wish to pursue an adoption or are interested in learning more about the rescue process please visit the website: http://www.fureverafter.net
Update: Bella has found her forever home with a wonderful man from Coquitlam. He has reported that she is doing wonderfully well in her new home. Bella gets to be the official greeter during the day at her new owner's auto shop. Everyone loves her and she has the perfect personality for welcoming customers. Some of them even get to take her out for a walk while they wait for their car to be ready. Have a happy life, little Bella! February, 2011
Our eighth foster dog is Bella, a beautiful young Shih Tzu. Bella was flown over to us from the mainland. Many dogs are a little stressed by the experience of flying alone in a crate, but not Bella! When I opened her crate she greeted me with a big wag of her tail. During the long drive home she did not cry or bark. I am very impressed with what a well-mannered and mature little girl she is. It's been estimated that she is about 9 months old. She's been with us for a week and has had no accidents in the house so her toilet training is perfect. Bella loves to be brushed and she loves to cuddle in everyone's lap. She's very playful with other dogs and has a tendency to get excited and bark when she wants someone to play with her. However, if I ask her to stop she is very obliging. She does not join in when the other dogs do their guarding alarm barking, so she probably wouldn't make a good watchdog. Bella is large for a Shih Tzu and a sturdy little dog. She's learning to walk on a leash and enjoys her outings with our pack. I think Bella will be a great family pet or a lovely companion for a single person. She's both rather independent and very interactive/responsive. All in all I'd say this dog is a peach.